Orange County, California Flute, Saxophone, and Clarinet Lessons
Our students of all ages and levels love their flute, saxophone, and clarinet lessons on Zoom and in person
Private or Semi-Private Lessons—Now Also Offered via Zoom!
Private flute lessons generally start at age 7 and older, but sometimes younger students will start with a special curved-head flute. As with all members of our faculty, the teachers have university or college degrees in their area of specialization. Our flute lessons are offered in 30 minute, 45 minute or 1 hour lengths.
Our flute students have the option to perform in our Christmas and Summer recitals with many also performing in local music festivals in partnership with the Music Teachers Association of California (MTAC), the City of Irvine, and the Chamber of Commerce. We offer a wide range of styles and many students choose to do the Certificate of Merit flute exams.

Saxophone & Clarinet Lessons – Our private saxophone lessons and clarinet lessons start from age 8 onwards. Earlier than age 8, a student typically does not have the lung capacity and strength to handle these instruments. Many of our saxophone and clarinet instructors are proficient on both instruments so a student can start with clarinet lessons if they wish and switch to saxophone lessons without having to change instructors.
Our saxophone and clarinet instructors actively perform in all types of bands and ensembles and as soloists, and hold university degrees – many with their Master’s in their area of specialization – from top conservatories in the US and Europe. Saxophone lessons and clarinet lessons are offered in 30 minute, 45 minute and 1 hour lengths.

Sign Up For Flute, Saxophone, or Clarinet Lessons!
Got A Question About This Course? Kindly fill out this form or Call us at (949) 385-2034 to enroll today!